Global Talent Art Prize Portfolio

Taylor Black: 3rd winner of the Global Talent Art Prize (6th edition)

Taylor Black: 3rd winner

Taylor Black is an artist and designer living and working in Brooklyn NY. Situated within a realm of complex alternate cultures, histories, and systems of belief, his work employs various media to tell the story of an imagined reality. Propaganda and mythical imagery evoke familiar forms from across time, while also remaining firmly routed in the alternative. 

The traditions of narrative and visual history are mined to produce artifacts and scenes from a unique reality. Working within this faux-historical context, the “artifacts” serve as a chorographic backdrop behind which infinite stories unfold. These pieces exist as representation of a both physical and conceptual chronological dating upon which the ritual of historical narrative is glimpsed as an alternate reality.

Set painting Acrylic x grommets x hydro dipped 2020

Set painting. Acrylic x grommets x hydro dipped, 2020

Set painting - winter night (7 voids) Acrylic x grommets x linen

Set painting – winter night (7 voids), Acrylic x grommets x linen, 2020

Field Acrylic x grommets x linen 2020

Field. Acrylic x grommets x linen, 2020

Set painting (night) Acrylic x linen 2020

Set painting (night). Acrylic x linen, 2020

Fence 2021

Fence, 2021

Call to sword and cloth 2021

Call to sword and cloth, 2021

Artifact (hearts of gold) 2021

Artifact (hearts of gold), 2021

Set painting (alt 4) Acrylic x aluminum

Set painting (alt 4). Acrylic x aluminum, 2020

Artifact No.42

Artifact No.42

Artifact No.8

Artifact No.8


A Vision Between Walks

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