Art Articles Gallery

Exploring the essence of painting: Michael Simpson’s ‘New Paintings’ exhibition

In Michael Simpson’s latest exhibition, “New Paintings,” viewers are confronted with a profound exploration of the formal essence of painting, underscored by the artist’s unwavering commitment to transcending mere subject matter. Within each canvas, Simpson meticulously constructs a visual language where formal considerations reign supreme, reflecting his deeply ingrained belief that the true essence of a painting lies in the relationships between its constituent elements.

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

Simpson’s oeuvre is characterized by a rigorous engagement with both the mechanics of painting and the weight of historical narrative. Drawing inspiration from fifteenth-century Venetian and Flemish traditions, he distills objects such as ladders, benches, and confessional boxes into geometric abstractions, situating them within a flattened pictorial space. Through this reductionist approach, Simpson confronts existential and political themes, transforming architectural motifs into potent symbols of authority and power dynamics.

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

At the core of Simpson’s practice lies the Bench Painting series, a poignant homage to the philosopher Giordano Bruno. Through these works, Simpson grapples with the enduring legacy of Bruno’s defiance against religious orthodoxy, capturing the essence of his martyrdom in visceral detail. The inclusion of a burning bench serves as a haunting reminder of Bruno’s ultimate sacrifice, juxtaposing the transience of life against the backdrop of religious persecution.

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

Throughout his exploration of confessionals, Simpson imbues these austere objects with a sense of whimsy and irreverence. By playfully distorting proportions and spatial relationships, he challenges conventional notions of ascension and authority, inviting viewers to question the sanctity of religious ritual.

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

In “New Paintings,” Michael Simpson emerges as a masterful orchestrator of form and concept, weaving together disparate elements into a cohesive visual narrative that transcends the boundaries of traditional subject matter. Through his thought-provoking compositions, Simpson invites audiences to contemplate the inherent complexities of the human condition, leaving an indelible mark on the contemporary art landscape.

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

Michael Simpson. ‘New Paintings’, exhibition view. Modern Art (Stuart Shave) gallery. London, 2024

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